Of the 85 posts, 56 of them lean toward the positive. In other words, they have a positive feel to them. The other 29 posts leaned toward the negative. This does not mean that I was being mean or nasty; it just means that the tone of those 29 posts was negative.
Those numbers are not quite where I think they need to be. As a follower of Jesus Christ, I want this blog to lean more heavily to the positive. There are plenty of other non-Christian writers out there with a lot of negative things to write about. If anyone has anything positive and substantial to say, it should be Christian bloggers.
This is not "pie-in-the-sky" naiveté. There are certainly some issues that need to be addressed that will necessarily (if we look at the issue or situation from a biblical perspective) have a negative tone. Whenever we deal with sin, for example, this happens.
My goal from this point forward is to have at least a 2-to-1 ratio of positive to negative blog posts. Since the beginning of November I've been just under this goal. I'm going to strive to move up a few percentage points.
Christian blogs should be edifying to Christian readers. They should be challenging to non-Christian readers. They should speak the truth in love to all. I believe this is done most effectively by presenting a largely positive blogging atmosphere.
My goal from here forward is more positive-bent blogging.
Quite often negative IS positive!
Sometimes that is true; however, I don't want the majority of the blog to be that way. There are enough blogs that lean very much toward the negative.
Every two negatives equal a positive, right?
Seriously, I enjoy reading your blog, negative or positive. Always very thoughtful.
Thanks! Blogging is a good way for me to synthesize my thoughts. Hearing comments from others also lets me know whether or not I am on the right track. Thanks for reading.
God bless, Eric
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