Monday, May 21, 2012

ATTENTION ALL BLOGGERS: If You Want a Lot of Comments, Just Write about This!

If you are a blogger, well done.

If you are not a blogger, please start. It's not difficult. Just write about what you know and interests you.

Most bloggers, including myself, enjoy the discussion/comments aspect of blogging just as much as writing the posts. I've found a way to help with this. If you desire a boatload of comments, there is a topic that you can write about. This is almost guaranteed to bring in a tidal wave of discussion.

What is the topic? (Drum roll in background.) The topic is whether or not women should speak during church gatherings.

As far as I can recall, I've written about this twice. Both instances have yielded many more comments than normal.

The posts are entitled:

House Church - What About Women?

One Good Reason for Women to Speak

The fascinating aspect of all this for me is that I receive comments disagreeing with me from both sides. I take what could be described as a "middle-of-the-road" position on this issue. My hope is that this is a biblical position. While I do believe that women are permitted to speak during gatherings, I do not believe that they ought to take on any sort of teaching role.

Some commenters believe I'm incorrect in thinking that women should speak at all. Others believe I'm wrong to place any restrictions on women speaking in any way. It all makes for thought-provoking discussion.

To sum up: if you desire comments, simply ask if women should be allowed to speak when the church gets together. Give your position and then wait for the comments to flow in. You won't be disappointed.

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