Friday, January 1, 2016

2016 Blogging Themes

Each year I focus on a few specific blogging themes. Below are the five that I'm writing about most frequently in 2016.

1. What Is That Supposed to Mean? (Biblical Interpretation)

2. Now That's How It's Done (Proper Church Practice)

3. You've Got to Be Kidding (Institutional Church Nonsense)

4. Man, We Are Messed Up (Cultural issues)

5. Get After It (Physical Fitness)

Some of the above are topics that I've dealt with quite a bit in the past. Because of my deep concern for the state of the church in this country, that will continue to dominate my blogging. The newest focus is one that I just began addressing late last year: physical fitness; this will be on the increase.

If there are issues that you would like me to blog about, please email me or simply mention it in the blog comments. Thanks.

I hope you have an excellent 2016!

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