
Sunday, December 28, 2014

Church Simply: Series Summary

I love simple church life because it is based on relationships in Christ.

This world is lacking in true community. The only place to find this at the most foundational level is in the church. A group of redeemed people coming together to build each other up in Christ is a wondrous thing. What a gift of God to us!

This series is my small attempt to describe some of the aspects of simple church. These posts are neither lengthy nor exhaustive. Enjoy:

Church Simply: An Introduction
Church Simply: The N. T. Model
Church Simply: Christ as the Unquestioned Head
Church Simply: Let's Have a Family Gathering
Church Simply: Why Get Together Anyway? Mutual Edification
Church Simply: A Real Lord's Supper
Church Simply: The Spirit Leads the Meetings
Church Simply: Everybody Actively Use Your Spiritual Gifts!
Church Simply: Homes Make Great Places to Meet
Church Simply: One Anothering
Church Simply: Giving Without Compulsion. Giving to Meet Needs.
Church Simply: Decision Making Consensus
Church Simply: Leadership Through Service
Church Simply: Elders From Within
Church Simply: Everybody Matters Equally
Church Simply: United in Christ
Church Simply: Putting It All Together

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