
Monday, February 3, 2014

Editing, Editing, Editing

A few weeks ago I announced on this blog that I'm going to be editing a book about simple church life entitled What We're For. Jeremy Myers and I have teamed up on this project. Our goal is to put together a positive book that encourages dialogue within the body of Christ. We have twenty-five different contributors taking part.

January 31st was the submission deadline. I'm happy to say that most of the authors sent in their chapters on time.

As editor this is the time when my task begins in earnest. I've already edited a few of the chapters. It is enjoyable and difficult at the same time. I get to read excellent thoughts, but at the same time I have to think critically about how those thoughts have been written. It requires quite a bit of time.

An additional difficulty is that my real job at JCB has me working 60-70 hours per week. It's tough to edit when time is at a premium. Therefore, I probably won't be blogging much over the next few weeks. My time will be spent at work, with my family, sleeping, and editing.

I appreciate your prayers for this book project. I believe it has potential to bring about unity and understanding within the church. Pray that it does. Thanks.

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