
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

One of Those Blogs

A few days ago I asked for ideas of blogs that I would benefit from reading - even if I would likely disagree with much of what is written.

In response to this, a few folks told me that my blog has become "one of those blogs" for them. In other words, they read A Pilgrim's Progress even though they disagree with much that is written. That thought never crossed my mind before this. I'm not really sure what I think of it; regardless, I'm glad they are reading.

The difficult part in blogging about the church is accomplishing two things. First, I desire to remain united with all brothers and sisters in Christ - no exceptions. Second, my hope is to generate healthy discussion about the Christian life in general and the church in particular. This is no surprise for anyone who regularly reads this blog.

The struggle, for me at least, is to discuss these things in a balanced way. On the one hand, I don't want to come across as bitter or prideful. On the other hand, I don't desire to write as if church issues are of little consequence. I also will not fall into the popular trap of saying that most church practices are of equal value and that we shouldn't "judge one another."

I will continue to look to scriptural command, principle, example, etc. for decision making. This will, of course, force us to ask hard questions. Because of its dominance in this country, the institutional church and its practices must be critiqued. More important than that, however, is simply the practice of asking what God has shown us in the bible about how He expects us to live as the church each day. This will of course deal with topics such as church gatherings, church leadership, and church structure. It will also look at simpler things such as holy living, service to others, living out the gospel, and simply being what Christ would have us be.

Some may say that I'm being divisive and/or unhelpful with certain pointed blog posts. I admit that at times I've likely crossed over the line of what is beneficial to what is not. However, I will continue to strive to write in a manner that makes myself and others think. If I point out that certain practices are unbiblical, it will make some people (those who love or at least approve of those practices) uncomfortable.

My ultimate goal in this blog is edification of the church to the glory of God. I hope this happens. Some posts will likely be more edifying than others. My hope is that the discussion will continue.

By the way, thanks for the blog suggestions. I added them to what I'm calling "Bloggers Who Interest and Challenge Me."


  1. Eric,

    This is a great post that we all need to keep in mind, regardless of whether we prefer simple church or not. Thanks for the exhortation toward unity, even and especially in spite of our disagreements. We are brothers and sisters in Christ. Period. Everything else must flow from that.


  2. Thanks Alan.

    Writing can certainly be difficult at times, especially when we are dealing with issues that people rightly care about so much.

    One thing I've learned is that humility is a key - even if I stray from it at times.

  3. Eric

    Good thoughts. I think most of us have written posts that are more pointed or perhaps sarcastic in tone than we intended. The nice thing about the open forum of the blogging world is that others can interact with what we have said, which serves as a system of checks and balances (provided we are open to correction). Like you, I walk a fine line between unity and calling out the church. I am all for unity but not at the expense of truth.

  4. Eric,
    Wise thinking. I've mentioned before, in your comments, the need to, at least, read those with whom we may have disagreement.

  5. Arthur,

    I hope we all continue to discuss these issues with the goal of mutual growth. Our imperfections will come through no matter how much we might hope they don't. In the end, I do think this forum does far more good than harm.

  6. John,

    It certainly is easy to just read those with whom we agree. It's also very limiting. We all need to be challenged and stretched.

  7. Haha...I intentionally subscribe to Ligonier's TableTalk. That is always a challenge. Often the daily devotions are worthwhile reading, but boy are the articles institutional. So I read them anyway.

    Unfortunately, I could not keep on with Modern Reformation Mag and White Horse INN...that's just too much.
