
Friday, June 17, 2011

Daughters on Mission

Our two daughters, Caroline and Mary, are currently in Tapachula, Mexico on a mission/service trip. They, along with eight others - including my parents - are serving in a unique capacity for the next week or so.

In Tapachula there are a few different children's homes for kids whose parents are in prison. The mission team is helping out in various different ways. One of the main purposes of the trip is to provide the house parents (whose normal responsibilities are numerous and taxing) with a much needed vacation.

My mother wrote the following in an e-mail today, "Everythng is going great here. What a ministry this is. These kids' parents are in jail and they are being brought up in a loving Christan home here. Actually there are three homes near each other which work in partnership but stay small for the family atmosphere. We are working mostly in the one with nine boys ages 4 to 15. They are so respectful and appreciative of everything. Mary and Caroline are fitting in great and helping out a lot. Everyone is impressed with them. We work hard mornings but have free time later to play with the kids. The four year old is here all day but the others are in school. The home is so well run; the kids are expected to help with chores and they do so with no complaining. They are very loving which is so important for them. After we were done with our work this morning a run was being made to Walmart. Caroline and Mary went there with all of the other ladies. I stayed and did some gardening. Mecho, the four year old, 'helped' me. He wore one glove and I wore the other and he thought that was great."

Alice and I are excited for this opportunity for our daughters. They get to serve the Lord by serving others. They'll also benefit from this cross-cultural experience. Even though Tapachula has Walmart, it is still quite different from Savannah.

I'd like to thank my Christian brothers and sisters of Wilmington Island United Methodist Church for inviting our daughters to help out on this trip.

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