
Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Adding a Give Button to My Blog

Most Give Buttons ask you to donate money to some sort of institutional ministry. Not this one.

Instead, my Give Button is simply a reminder to give generously and freely when you see someone in need. It's really that simple. Money/goods should flow out of our hands relatively easily when we come into contact with folks who have needs that they cannot meet.

"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." II Cor. 9:7


  1. Eric,

    Interestingly we tend to almost always express this verse in terms of money.

    I suspect when Paul wrote this he was thinking more of food, possibly clothing, or cloth(tent making?). Maybe letters of introduction for hospitality, etc?

    Without doubt he would have been thankful for money, but there are so many gifts we ought to be giving expressed in the many Biblical one-anothers (1 Cor.13:13).

  2. John,

    Well said. However, I think for many Christians the concept of giving money to meet actual needs is almost foreign. They are so conditioned into just giving 10% into the offering plate that they are blind to the needs of those around them.
