
Saturday, December 6, 2014

Simple Church in My Living Room

You can see in the above photo of my living room floor that it is Christmas time. You can also see thirty copies of Simple Church: Unity Within Diversity. This is a combination of books I purchased and books I earned by being editor and contributor. What a haul!

I'm excited about this book not because I'm the editor. Rather, I'm excited because I believe it is unique. Twenty-four contributors uniting to discuss a wide variety of simple church principles and practices from a generally positive perspective is not something you find too often in the bookstore.

As you probably know, the book published earlier this week. It has been doing well so far, especially in Kindle format. Up to now all the reviews of the book at have been written by contributors. I'm looking forward to additional reviews popping up there as others who have read the book get the opportunity to share their thoughts about it.

One of the benefits to this book is the wide variety of topics it covers. The Table of Contents is as follows:

Part 1: Glorifying and Enjoying God
1. A Church That Honors the Triune God
2. A Church That Cherishes Jesus Christ Above All
3. A Church That Follows the Lead of the Holy Spirit
4. A Church That Clings to Scriptural Truth
5. A Church That Holds Theological Convictions With Humility

Part 2: Living Radically
6. A Church That is Most Notable for Its Love
7. A Church That Forgives
8. A Church That Is Composed of Peacemakers
9. A Church That Accepts Suffering as Part of Life
10. A Church That Exhibits Personal Holiness

Part 3: Building the Body
11. A Church That Is United In Christ
12. A Church That Recognizes Equal Laity With Christ As the Only Head
13. A Church That Counts Every Member as Key
14. A Church That Views Itself as a People
15. A Church That Assembles for Mutual Edification
16. A Church That Knows Leaders Are Servants

Part 4: Impacting the World
17. A Church That Gives Liberally and Generously
18. A Church That Gives Everything Away
19. A Church That Sacrificially Cares for the Needy
20. A Church That Dies For Others
21. A Church That Seeks Justice
22. A Church That Restores Dignity

Part 5: Proclaiming Salvation
23. A Church That Knows Eternal Life is Free
24. A Church That Sees Every Christian as Family
25. A Church That Proclaims the Gospel Clearly
26. A Church That Takes the Gospel to the World

I hope you get the chance to read the book. Enjoy!

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