
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Home Safely From India

I've made it home to Savannah with no problems. I thank God for that. Because jet lag is already setting in this will be a short post (and probably not well written).

It takes a looooooooooong time to get from India back here to the USA. My flight from Delhi to New York non-stop lasted fifteen (15!) hours. Yuck. As life has it, a small child with clueless parents kicked the back of my seat for much of the flight. Anyway, my second flight (New York to Savannah) only lasted two hours. Easy.

Although this trip was long, I didn't have any hassles along the way. I passed through security, customs, and immigration without any hiccups. Traveling for business purposes seems to make those situations easier for some reason.

It is wonderful to be home. I'm finishing here to go spend time with my family.


  1. I can certainly relate to long flights. I have found that, if possible, it's worth the extra money for business class. I can't sleep on a flight unless I can be in a horizontal position, which business class provides.
    Glad you made it back safe and sound.

  2. Thanks Eddie. Business class would have been nice. I may look into that next time. My company paid for the ticket so I was sort of stuck with what they gave me.
