
Thursday, November 28, 2013

No Shave November

Yesterday Alice (my wonderful wife) and I, along with a bunch of other family members, ate a scrumptious lunch at Puerto Rico Restaurant here in Savannah. While there someone snapped this photo of us; it actually came out pretty well. As you can see, I'm taking part in No Shave November. This year I'm just growing the beard for something sort of random to do. Next year I may do more to raise cancer awareness.

The beard is likely to come off in a few days. I threatened my family with just keeping the mustache, but they made it clear that it was not a good idea. A Fu Manchu might be fun though.


  1. Eric,

    "No Shave November?" C'mon. Get creative, but do it better than we Aussies. Someone decided to call it Movember!

  2. John,

    Movember is for those who grow just mustaches (at least here in the USA). No Shave November is for no shaving at all. I guess it's more all-encompassing.

  3. Eric,

    We like to be all encompassing; saves time. Movember covers the whole spectrum of hairiness.

    Nit-picking about where the hair grows doesn't enter the equation. :)

  4. John,

    Either way, mine will be gone soon. I'll call it de-hair December.
