
Saturday, October 5, 2013

Six Blog Posts Worth Your Time

Here's a quick list of some excellent blog posts that I've stumbled upon recently. Some are older than others, but all are worth reading. In no particular order:

What IS an Anabaptist?!?!

Listening to our Anabaptist Brethren

Do simple/organic churches need a “covering”?

How to Sustain a Healthy Simple Church Community

Tithing $50,000,000,000

Jerry Rankin Receives Lifetime Achievement Award
-When my wife Alice and I were appointed as IMB missionaries we got to know Dr. Rankin a little bit. He and his wife Bobbye are sweet and gracious people. They were kind and encouraging to us as we began our venture. Dr. Rankin accomplished much as head of the IMB. He is deserving of this award.


  1. Thanks for mentioning my post!

    Of course, I got that from Arthur Sido, so I cannot take credit.

    I will go check out the others you mention.

  2. Jeremy,

    The numbers you mentioned are truly stunning. It's difficult to even wrap my mind around.

  3. Thanks for including my simple little attempt at defining Anabaptism... :-) I appreciate the mention!

  4. Robert,

    I find myself more and more intrigued by the Anabaptists. I attended a Southern Baptist seminary that liked to look selectively at the Anabaptists of the 1500s in Europe. The seminary focused on the idea of a free church. However, I was never told about how the Anabaptists gathered. The more I now learn, the more I like. I'm even bordering on nonresistant view of life. Thanks for blogging!
