
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Taking the Church to the Beach

Today I'm taking my wife and three kids to Tybee Island beach. Everyone in our family knows Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior; therefore, I can say that I'm taking the church to the beach. I don't know exactly what we are going to do, but there will be a lot of relaxing, playing in the surf, and building sand castles.

I grew up in western New York State, which is situated about seven hours from the closest ocean beach. Trips to the beach as a kid were a rarity. I absolutely love now living close to the ocean. We can make it to Tybee from our house in less than an hour.

The photo above is taken from the location on Tybee that we like to go. You can see the pier in the distance. Where we go is not crowded at all. Here we come!

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