
Friday, March 8, 2013

Intentionality in Disciple Making

I'd recently been thinking that it would be beneficial if the adults in our church family (myself included) were more intentional in disciple making. In particular I was pondering this happening during our church family gatherings. As these thoughts were sort of bouncing around in my mind, one of the other men in our group said, "It would be great if we would be more intentional in making disciples as we get together." I took this as confirmation from God that we are on the right track.

I don't know exactly what this will look like but I'm excited about it. Some disciple making certainly involves talking, but it also requires doing. One of the greatest ways to make disciples is to serve others together. That may have to happen outside the regular gathering (which would of course be fine).

I know that many of you are actively involved in disciple making.  How do you go about this individually and as a group?

I'm interested to hear your thoughts as we as a church family try to be more intentional.


  1. Eric, I think you're onto something here but the image that I conjure up in my head is hierarchical where one is leading others e.g. showing them how to be disciples.
    I rather like the idea of "discipling" (not sure if that's a word) together in an "iron sharpens iron" atmosphere.

  2. Tom,

    I should have mentioned that we were mainly talking about discipling the children in the body. I agree with you that any sort of top-down process is a problem. Thanks for commenting.

  3. Yes, I believe the main hindrance to making disciples is that we do not intend to.

    Wesley's great impetus for making disciples came from William Law's new (now classic) book, A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life. The first chapter is The Importance of Intention.

    (See Chapter Five, )

    On teaching children, let us keep the prime directive at the forefront:

  4. Mike,

    Thanks for commenting. Wesley was a man I greatly admire. I'll have to take a look at Law's book. That first chapter sounds excellent.

  5. Eric,

    I'm glad of your first sentence of explanation in reply to Tom.

    Far too much of the "intentional" ministry, discipling, evangelism, which I've seen practiced, has an ulterior motive, such as the "bottom line", the one on the seats, which flows on to the rustle of notes and the jangle of coins..
