
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Resolved: To Help Others More in 2013

First a disclaimer of sorts: I realize that New Year's resolutions are somewhat hokey in nature.

Despite the above disclaimer, I'm going ahead with a resolution for 2013. There's not anything special about doing this on January 1st; it could happen any day. That said, I'm going to try, with the Holy Spirit's assistance and power, to do something more in the new year. That new thing is to help others more.

This may not seem very deep or complicated. It certainly doesn't sound very seminary-ish. However, when I dwell upon the life of Christ, I see a divine man who traveled around helping others. He helped them by meeting their unique needs and by proclaiming the truth. Matthew 4:23 tells us, "And he went throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction among the people."

I have no desire or ability to be divine (obviously). Rather, my hope and desire is to be more of a helper. I don't think this is as complicated as we sometimes make it out to be. All we have to do is ask God for opportunities and then act on them when God gives them. My guess is that it will always involve helping someone in need of some sort. That might be accompanied by gospel proclamation, but many times it might not. It may also lead to a friendship, or not. I really have no idea.

I just know that as Christ-followers we are to love others. One tangible way we do this is by helping them. It's that simple (if not necessarily easy). When we help, we give of self. We think of others first. We at least sometimes relieve suffering. These are all Christlike activities.

So there's my resolution. I want to help.

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