
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Question: Is This a Joke?

Answer: No, but it should be. When "churches" desire above all else to attract people, this is an example of what occurs. It is the business model gone wrong. Yucky.


  1. That place seems to have a large "STCR" (square-to-circle ratio--pronounced "sticker").

  2. FYI, I just linked to this on my post over at SBC Voices as a bit of a conversation starter. It will be interesting to see where it leads.

  3. Jeff,

    That place has a lot of issues.

  4. David,

    Great conversation over at SBC Voices. One positive about that church is that they do seem to want to engage the culture. I'll give them credit for that. Their methods seem to be the problem as opposed to their motivation.

  5. God can use any method he wants to complete his work, so if I assume that the believers of Relevant Church are following what they believe to be God's direction, then far be it from me to criticize. Doesn't resonate with me, but I'm just some guy.

    What's really disturbing is the thought of how many hundreds or even thousands of churches are carbon copies of this model. Not just the "hip, media savvy" style that they project, but the ultra-predictable cast of characters that they employ to keep it all running.

    God's wisdom is revealed in variety.

  6. Joel,

    The carbon-copy thing is troubling. It seems like many churches go from fad to fad, all in the name of reaching people with the gospel. They would do far better to focus on relationships instead of trying to find the next coolest thing.

  7. Eric,

    I can't for the life of me see this as anything other than a spoof. Is it real?

  8. Steve,

    It is real and it is sad.

  9. I did a bit of snooping around and it seems this really is real, for real. If I were going to make a spoof of "relevant church," this video is how I would make it.

  10. noooooooooooo..... I don't believe it is real!!

  11. Randi Jo,

    The amazing thing about this video is that it is what a fake one would look like. And yet, it's real! My reactions are both "wow" and "gross."
