
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Add to My Blogroll Please

I was looking through my blogroll today when I realized that I need to read a wider variety of Christian bloggers. Simply put, I agree with too many bloggers on my blogroll about almost everything. That's not healthy. I need to be challenged.

Therefore, today I added 15-20 new blogs to my blogroll. However, I'm certain that I am missing other good ones. This is where I need your assistance.

Please comment by telling me good Christian bloggers that you think I should be reading. It doesn't matter whether or not you think I'll agree with them on various issues. As long as they have some original thoughts and write well, I'll be happy.

Thanks for the help!


  1. If you'd like you can add mine. I'm blogging about starting out in the organic church journey. Http://

  2. Hi Eric,
    I'd recommend Rachel Held Evans and Justin Lee's crumbs from the communion table.

  3. Tim,

    Thanks for commenting. I'll add your blog.

  4. Seth,

    Thank you for the possibilities. I'm going to have to think long and hard (and read a lot) before I decide what to do with the blogs you've suggested. They would certainly challenge me. I've purused them a bit already. The problem I have with these bloggers is that they've taken some positions that fly in the face of what orthodox Christianity has believed for 2000 years. I'll have to read some more there.

  5. I don't know who Justin Lee is but Rachel Held Evans both holds to unorthodox and dangerously erroneous positions but she is also a shameless self-promoter for her next book. You might check out some blogs from Lutheran/Methodist/Anglican type of writers (Allan Bevere? NT Wright?) and maybe some overseas writers. My blog roll is heavily skewed toward U.S. bloggers which is a problem.

  6. Arthur,

    I looked more at Evans' site. She is adamantly opposed to any sort of complimentarian position in the male-female relationship. I think Seth was just trying to suggest bloggers that I might not necessarily agree with. As for Evans, she is too far off from orthodox positions to end up on my blogroll.

    Allan Bevere is a good suggestion. I'll probably go with that. Does N.T. Wright have a blog?

  7. I could deal with the egalitarianism, it is a lot of the other positions she holds and the way she seems less interested in actually engaging the Scripture and more interested in promoting book sales. Of course she is not alone is that.

  8. Thanks, Eric.

    I just updated my blog to include all of the "about church" blogs in my reader using a WordPress plugin. I don't agree 100% with all of them, but they do challenge me (and sometimes they provide inspiration for a blog post).

    I know what you mean about some of the content out there.

    Wondering if I need to add a disclaimer now... "read at your own risk and don't forget the whole discernment thing we're supposed to do".

  9. Yes Eric, I was just trying to suggest authors who would challenge you. Justin Lee would be farther to the left of Evans, so I'm not sure you'd go for him either. :) I like reading both of them even though I don't agree with everything they have to say. One thing I really like about Rachel and Justin is the spirit of love and humility they exude. I don't sense it is a false or worldly version of it. They are both kind to people who are rude and assaulting toward them. And they both take on big issues that are extremely relevant in the world today. Two positives in my book.

  10. Arthur, I don't understand your position of not reading anyone who you deem dangerous or unorthodox. Im sure there are plenty of reformed guys who would call meeting in a home unorthodox. Why not just get rid of the idea of orthodox/unorthodox and look at issues on a biblical basis?

  11. Seth I have no problem reading people I disagree with and I have read RHE's stuff in the past. When I read what she has written from a Biblical standpoint, not what the powers that be have declared orthodox. I find her writing to be clever but deeply in error on a number of crucial issues. Not only that but I don't find her especially humble, her whole schtick with her book promotion seemed like little more than using poor exegesis to mock the Bible and demean women who try to follow what it teaches in order to sell some books. There are plenty of thoughtful writers on the "left" that I can respect because they are seriously trying to engage the issues even when I disagree with them strongly. She is not one of them.
