
Thursday, June 28, 2012

My Ten Favorite Blogs 2.0 (3 and 4)

4. Simply Church

Felicity Dale writes about simple/organic church in a humble and wise manner. Calling upon years of experience in simple church planting and discipling, her blog focus is the positives that come from this sort of church life. Instead of pointing out the problems in the institution, Felicity spends her time almost solely on issues related to simple church.

This blog is refreshing because of the author's knowledge. She and her husband Tony have been part of organic living for many years. This leads to many blog posts that speak directly to real world things that have happened to them, both good and bad. For those of us who are relatively new to simple church concepts, her blog is a gold mine.

Additionally, Felicity's posts generally have a missional component to them. She is not content to simply follow the biblical model of church gatherings, but also strives to live out the Great Commission through the church. View her books here.

This blog is a great help to anyone interested in simple church.

3. Albert Mohler

Mohler is the president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS). That fact might scare some off from reading this blog. It shouldn't.

Dr. Mohler's blog focus is generally the intersection of biblical principles with broader culture. He often blogs about the conflict between cultural norms and biblical teachings. I appreciate his stance on issues such as creation, homosexuality, marriage, and politics. Mohler in particular defends the gospel against the poison that is liberal "Christianity."

Mohler is a gifted writer and avid reader. He's written several books.

It might seem that a seminary president would spend most of his time blogging about denominational types of issues. If that was the case with Mohler, I wouldn't bother with his blog. However, since his focus is topics that impact the entire church, I take the time to read.

As Justin Taylor's blog is a sort of evangelical news feed, Mohler's blog keeps me up to date on the latest key cultural issues.

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