
Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Gospel is the Only True Church Membership

"But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God." John 1:12-13

When you accept the gospel as truth and embrace Jesus Christ as Lord, you also enter the church. You are a member forever.

This is God's wonderful plan for church membership. When we join, we become part of a glorious, world wide, multi-cultural, time crossing family. Christ is our Head, and we are all equal members.

Upon surrendering to Christ, we immediately have all the duties and privileges of family membership. We are part of God's New Covenant. We are part of His house. We are part of His body. We are part of His bride.

This church is united. We are one in Him. God wants and commands there to be no divisions in this house. No smaller, separate parts are acceptable. Instead, we are one whole, diverse unit with God as the unquestioned sovereign.

This is biblical church membership. Let's embrace it.


  1. Eric,

    My slight disagreement with some punctuation in the third sentence shows that you are theologically wrong. Therefore I cannot walk with you because how can two walk together unless they agree. So, please repent.

  2. You are not welcome in my denomination of one.

  3. Eric,

    "When you accept the gospel as truth and embrace Jesus Christ as Lord, you also enter the church. You are a member forever."


  4. From now on, we recognize NO MAN according to the flesh...

  5. "You are not welcome in my denomination of one."

    If I were, it would then fail to be a denomination of one. I simply couldn't violate your by-laws.

  6. Man-made membership turns the functioning of the local body into little more than a social club. What a modern tragedy it is!
