
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Watchman Nee on Biblical Examples

According to Watchman Nee, "A word of explanation may be needed regarding the examples God has given us in His Word.  Christianity is not only built upon precepts, but also upon examples.  God has revealed His will, not only by giving orders, but by having certain things done in His Church, so that in the ages to come others might simply look at the pattern and know His will.  God has not only directed His people by means of abstract principles and objective regulations, but by concrete examples and subjective experience." 

The Normal Christian Church Life, Introduction, 1980.


  1. are you reading this book now? This book has given me alot to meditate on lately.

  2. Bobby,

    I just started it. Awesome so far.

    What specifically have you liked about it?

  3. I liked the stories he told and the illustrations of deep truths. I loved how he described all of the Christian life as coming from Christ and leading to Christ and the way he showed the contrast between the man of flesh and the spiritual man. I wrote a couple of blogs as I read it but my first Kindle malfunctioned so I lost all the notes I had made on it.

    these are the blogs I wrote while reading this book:
