
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Overseers in I Timothy 3 and Titus 1

I Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9 are familiar passages. Therefore, I'm not going to spend much time on them. I just want to point out a few things; I'm not being exhaustive:

-Paul is discussing elders and overseers. This seems to be the same role. In I Timothy 3 he uses the word "overseer," while in Titus 1 he uses both "elder" and "overseer."

-Overseeing is a "noble task." Paul sees this as something good for the church.

-Paul discusses character issues much more than skills. Godliness is more important than talent or education.

-Paul speaks in the present tense. In looking at a man's character, therefore, the focus should be on what he is currently as opposed to what he was years ago.

-Overseers must have good reputations both inside and outside the church. What is he thought of in his broader community?

-Overseers must hold firm to the gospel - for the purposes of both instruction and rebuke.

I wonder: as we think of the role of elders/overseers/pastors, do our expectations and assumptions line up with what Paul says here? Let's make it be so.


  1. Eric,

    "Overseers must have good reputations both inside and outside the church. What is he thought of in his broader community?"

    An excellent reason for him to earn his living by having employment in the wider community!
