We'll be working with folks from the Finger Lakes Baptist Association. Many of their churches are small and therefore do not have the man-power to put together some of the things they would like us to do. Our main priorities will be a couple of Vacation Bible Schools and several construction projects.
The main thing I'm looking forward to is spending time with people. The ten of us on our church's mission team will be together a lot over the next week and a half. It will be great to see each other in different life situations. We are also anticipating getting to know many different people in New York. One of the Vacation Bible Schools will pull from three different churches: a predominantly white church, a Hispanic church, and a Bhutanese church. That mix should be fascinating. Throw in some Southerners and you have quite a melting pot. We hope to have a good number of unchurched neighborhood kids attend as well. They may come from other ethnic backgrounds. I hope so.
I'm not sure what the Lord has planned for this trip. I'm just looking forward to great fellowship and many opportunities to share Jesus. Other than that, I simply want to get out of the way and see what happens.
I look forward to sharing with you the high points of the trip after we return.
I will be praying for you and your mission team, Eric.