
Friday, April 16, 2010

Random Thoughts From T4G

The best part of T4G 2010: the fellowship with Christian brothers (there were Christian sisters there, too)

The worst part of T4G 2010: this is a stretch, but it was a bit crowded (7000 people)

The video from T4G: click here and watch, in particular, Piper and MacArthur

The best unexpected blessing of T4G: a new hardcover ESV Study Bible that I gave to my son Bobby. I knew we were going to get a lot of books, but this was one was unexpected.

The funniest part of T4G: Driving in circles around downtown Louisville, KY. On Wednesday, we were trying to find a place to eat lunch. We drove around for about 15 minutes trying to get the GPS to work. It didn't. Then we found a random Arby's close by but kept taking wrong turns. After (no joke) over 20 minutes of circling, we realized we were very close to the hotel parking lot. We simply parked where we started, and then walked to the Arby's. Although it wasn't too funny at the time, it is humorous now.

The best quote from T4G: by Thabiti Anyabwile, "The church should be multi-ethnic, but the church should not be multi-cultural. All human cultures are of themselves apostate." This is not word-for-word, but it is very close.

The time I felt most out-of-place at T4G: Micah Thornton and I were blessed to attend a special function at 10:00 PM on Wednesday. The four T4G founders spoke to a group of about 200 of us about ministry (Micah had been handed a ticket earlier in the evening, and requested another for me). As the meeting began, I realized that I was probably the oldest person there. Almost everyone else was 25 or under. It became clear that this was intended to be a time for Dever, Mohler, Duncan, and Mahaney to talk to young men. Oh well, it was fun anyway.

The best music at T4G: all of it. Bob Kauflin of Sovereign Grace Music led great times of singing God-glorifying songs.

The best coffee at T4G: Starbucks. I think the local bars took a big financial hit this week, but the Starbucks broke the bank.

The best reminder of the world's need for the gospel at T4G: Micah and I took a cab ride to a restaurant one night. The cabbie was nice, but he needs Christ. But for the grace of God, there go I...

The best history discussion at T4G: Ligon Duncan spent about 45 minutes showing that the early church fathers did believe the gospel of grace. This was encouraging because there are many people who say that this is not the case.

The best aspect of T4G: unity in the gospel of Jesus Christ. People from various denominations came together to rejoice in the good news of the grace of God in Christ.

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