
Monday, April 12, 2010

Headed to T4G 2010

I'll be spending most of this week in Louisville, KY attending the Together for the Gospel 2010 Conference.

I'm looking forward to this conference for two reasons. First, several of my favorite authors and speakers will be present. In particular, I'm happy to hear Al Mohler, John MacArthur, John Piper, and R.C. Sproul.

Second, the fellowship will be great. I'm attending along with three men from Ferguson Avenue Baptist Church here in Savannah. Also, my friend Micah Thornton will be with us. Since we will be on the road for a total of over 20 hours, we'll have a lot of time for good discussion.

An added bonus - lots of great books!

I've decided to not take my computer. I don't want the hassle or the danger of having it stolen. Therefore, I doubt that I'll be blogging before next Saturday.

Have a great week!


  1. Hope to see you there!


  2. Are you going to the Band of Bloggers lunch? I went in 2008 and it was kind of fun plus I got even more books. I ended up with 25 books in '08, the books got their own blog post!

  3. Mike,

    It was great to see you at T4G. Give me a call sometime.

  4. Arthur,

    I didn't even know about it. Argh. Oh well, the conference was great.
