
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Help in the Flood

It wasn't Noah's flood, but it was bad enough.

Yesterday morning when I arrived at the church facility, I found our secretary and one of our deacons sweeping water out of a wing of the church. Apparently one of the toilets overflowed during the night (only clean water leaked - thank God for that).

The church office, my office, and several of the Sunday School rooms all had an inch or two of water in them. This quickly led to much sweeping and drying. Later in the day it morphed into tearing up carpet and plugging in blowers and dehumidifiers.

The biggest problem for me personally was that I had to move my books out of my office. Books are heavy. They don't like to be moved. I had to quickly figure out where to move them and how to get them there. After just a few hours in the watery office, my books were beginning to warp.

I found a place to move the books, but I dreaded moving them myself. That's when help arrived. A nice lady in our church family offered to help. She lifted and moved as many of the books as I did. It wasn't easy work. Additionally, she recently had some severe back and neck problems. Now that I think of it, I probably should have declined her offer to help just because of her health!

Nonetheless, her help was wonderful. I thank God for people who are willing and cheerful servants. This lady made the long day much more bearable.

I love the church - and I'm not talking about a building. I love the people God puts in our lives who show us the love of Christ. Selfless servanthood is about as close to being Christlike as we can get here on earth.


  1. Gods timing is perfect. Just when you needed help the most, the lady shows up to help you move your books.

    God is my bff!

  2. God is truly wonderful. He has blessed me beyond measure. I praise Him for salvation.
