
Thursday, November 12, 2009

What is a Biblical Response to Muslims?

Instead of trying to argue Muslims into Christianity, maybe we should follow a biblical approach by being willing to lovingly die for them.

Jesus tells us in John 12:24, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain."

Click here to watch a short video of Christian who recently gave his life to save Muslims. I have no doubt that those who he saved will be much more willing to now listen to the gospel message.


  1. John,

    I realize that in my flesh I react to Muslims in a far less than gracious manner.

    This poor man in Pakistan shows more grace to Muslims than I ever do.

  2. Eric,

    Dave Black has answered your title question most eloquently,"We are to live as He lived, love as He loves, speak as He spoke,and do as He did. There are billions of lost sheep out there,about half of them Muslims.We're sent to find them."

  3. It's very hard for us American Christians not to have a negative reaction to Muslims...with everything the media and our culture...not to mention our church leaders and Christians tells us about them, it's understandable. The question is, what does God's word say about them? Did Jesus die for them too? Of course that's a rhetorical question.

    God has placed a burden in my heart for the Muslim people. There are so many gross misunderstandings in both the Christian and the Muslim communities about one another.

    I found your blog through Alan Knox's blog. Great topic and thanks for posting the video.

  4. John,

    Very well said.

    In this country in particular, we must avoid (in the church) getting sucked into all the political talk - as if our gov't could make everything better.

    Christ's church fights for His kingdom by sacrificially dying for it, not by taking up guns.

  5. Brandon,

    Let's follow Christ's example by loving, serving, and (if need be) dying for the lost. Of course, our dying pays for no sins, but it does give a wonderful example of what Christ did.
