
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I Love This Hospital Sign

I was recently visiting in a local hospital when I noticed the above sign. It apparently is designed to remind us of the importance of cleaning our hands. It was placed on a wall just above a container of hand sanitizer. The white blob in the middle of the hand is, I think, supposed to be some sanitizer.

I like the sign because it reminds me of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross. Before you object, I do know that Christ was probably actually pierced through His wrists. However, the symbolism of the above sign still stands. It is nice to be walking through a hospital and be reminded of the atonement.

Additionally, I love the fact that this sign goes along with a cleansing agent. This is an additional reminder that Jesus' sacrifice cleansed me of my sin. No amount of self-applied sanitizer will wash away sin; the blood of Christ shed at Calvary is the only effective sanitizer for my soul.

I'll admit that I don't particularly like hospitals. However, at least these signs give me a reminder of who I am and whose I am.

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