
Saturday, November 7, 2009

Good Advice from John

Near the end of his second and third letters, the apostle John writes these words:

II John 12, "Though I have much to write to you, I would rather not use paper and ink. Instead I hope to come to you and talk face to face, so that our joy may be complete." (ESV)

III John 13, "I had much to write to you, but I would rather not write with pen and ink. I hope to see you soon, and we will talk face to face."

We would be wise to follow this advice when we disagree in the blogosphere.

In perusing various blogs over the past several years, I have come across seemingly countless interchanges, usually in the "comments" sections, where people are downright nasty to one another. And these are Christians writing on Christian blogs!

Far too many times it seems as if the discussions in the blog world are not real communication. Instead of listening, people tend to try to "one-up" the others and delve into needless argumentation.

Misunderstanding is one of the reasons for these problematic interchanges. The obvious reason for this is that the vast majority of real communication comes through non-verbal cues and tone of voice.

Instead of getting into more pointless arguments in the blog world, we would be wise to follow John's advice. Let's make a point of talking with others in person - especially when we disagree. If we live too far apart for that, then why not at least have a telephone conversation?

Winning arguments through a witty zinger in the comments section of some blog does little to further the kingdom of heaven.

Christlike conversation in person or over the phone which leads to understanding is something that pleases God.

According to John, this may even lead to our joy.


  1. Eric,

    I surely agree with you. It's too bad that yet another otherwise good thing is being spoiled by a few people. The exchange of ideas and opinions that can be accomplished through the use of blogs is a really good thing, but bad manners and bad behaviour in general can spoil what could otherwise be helpful, benificial, and encouraging information exchange.

  2. S.L.,

    Thanks. As Christians, we really should set the example for others instead of following the world's patterns of communicating.
