
Friday, August 21, 2009

Excellent (and Free!) Resources

This is not a joke. I've been thrilled by the excellent and free (yes, free) resources I have received from Mount Zion Bible Church/Chapel Library. This is a ministry based out of Pensacola, FL.

The website says this of their ministry, "Sending Christ-centered messages from prior centuries worldwide to humble the pride of man, to exalt the grace of God in salvation, and to promote real holiness in heart and life."

They offer tracts and pamphlets written by many of the great theologians from previous years. These include Bonar, Bunyan, Calvin, Edwards, Flavel, Hodge, Lloyd-Jones, Luther, McCheyne, Newton, Owen, Pink, Ryle, Spurgeon, Whitefield, and others.

To learn more about this free literature, click here.

To learn about how to receive (for free) the quarterly digest entitled Free Grace Broadcaster, click here.


  1. Eric,
    Thanks for the heads up on the Mount Zion Library. It looks like it will be very useful.


  2. SL,

    I encourage you take take full advantage (I mean that in the good sense) of what they have to offer. I'm amazed that they give these materials away for free and even pay the postage.
