
Friday, May 15, 2009

Camp Inquiry or Camp Atheism?

How would you like to send your child to a summer camp for atheistic indoctrination?

If this sounds like something you would like (and I certainly hope you are aghast as opposed to interested), go no farther than Camp Inquiry.

This, by the way, is not a joke.

The stated purpose of Camp Inquiry is to help "youth confront the challenges of living a non-theistic/secular lifestyle in a world dominated by religious belief and pseudoscience."

Different courses offered at the camp include In the Footprints of Darwin ("Experts in the natural sciences will guide campers in understanding the evolutionary model as counter to claims of creationism and intelligent design"), Expressly Human: The Ethical Life ("Campers will participate in conversations and activities designed to address the changing global community, diversity, and the need to act as a responsible moral agent"), and The Character of Character ("Through discussions of film and literature, campers will consider moral and ethical dilemmas faced by both fictional and familiar folks").

The sad and ironic thing about the above courses is that the children are, in essence, being taught the contradictory ideas that life has no meaning and that life has meaning. For example, any class that teaches secular evolution must strongly imply that life is essentially devoid of real meaning. However, the kids are also taking classes that focus on living responsibly.

An additional irony is that the ethics they will be taught about living responsibly will stem, by and large, from the Judeo-Christian worldview.

To learn more about this frightening camp, click here.


  1. I'm not sure what is frightening. I'm completely confused. Everything that is said about this Camp Inquiry sounds great. I have four daughters and am now very interested in Camp Inquiry for them. Also, what is "secular evolution?"

  2. Lee,

    I suppose it isn't frightening if you embrace an atheistic worldview.

    As for secular evolution, I'm referring to the idea that this world evolved completely by random chance, with no supernatural force guiding the process. This is different from theistic evolution, which some Christians believe was God's way of using evolution to bring about his purposes.
