
Monday, March 30, 2009

Survey Compares How Liberals and Conservatives Differ on Matters of Faith

Click here to read the results from a new Barna Group Survey that compares political liberals and conservatives in faith matters.

The numbers from the survey are interesting, but also somewhat predictable. For example,

"Liberals are also far less likely than conservatives to strongly believe each of the following:

  • their religious faith is very important in their life (54% of liberals vs. 82% of conservatives);
  • a person cannot earn their way into Heaven by doing good deeds or being a good person (23% vs. 37%);
  • their faith is becoming an increasingly important moral guide in their life (38% vs. 70%);
  • the church they currently attend is very important in helping them find direction and fulfillment in life (37% vs. 62%);
  • their primary purpose in life is to love God with all their heart, mind, strength and soul (43% vs. 76%);
  • Jesus Christ did not commit sins during His time on earth (33% vs. 55%)."


  1. First of all, what part of this is supposed to surprise me. :-)

    Actually, it is pretty surprising how low some of the numbers for conservatives were. 55% believe that Christ committed sins. Those are some people that need 1,000 lashes at their heads with a steaming hot spaghetti noodle.

    Whole wheat, of course.

  2. I agree. The "conservative" numbers were way too liberal seeming to me. I guess that just goes to show that the Republican party is not synonymous with Biblical Christianity.
